
What differentiates Mediceus

We treat health data as governments treat classified data. We need to earn your trust that your data is safe with us.


Mediceus develops software that allows the collection, storage and processing of health data. You have the ability to share it with researchers without compromising your confidentiality and your privacy, and with your doctor, for better treatment.

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Cloud (EU)

We store health data in a EU-based cloud operator, in compliance with EU law



Mediceus uses the international FHIR database standard and HL7 communications

Personal data protection

The sharing of your data occurs in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the proposed Regulation on a European Health Data Space. Your data is anonymized in our database, and the researchers that access your data have no possibility to reidentify it, this keeping it confidential. As the owner of your health data, you have access to all of it, and to the results of scientific research projects that matter to you.

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Your data will be identified with a confidential code. Only your doctor will have access to your name

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Better Health

Scientific discoveries that are important for your health are communicated to you and to your doctor

Consent Management

Mediceus complies with the letter of privacy laws and has developed a digital health platform where your consent controls the sharing of your data, who has access to it, and to which ends they can be used . Your identified health data will never be except with you or with your doctor or health professional, under your control. Health data that is de-identified and anonymized will be accessed per researchers in duly authorized research projects.

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You have control

You can withdraw your consent when he wants

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The Citizen at the Center

Mediceus only acts under your instructions

Interoperable Data

The health data is stored in hospitals in several different formats, which makes it difficult for the data to be collected, studied and compared. Portugal and the Union European are conducting health data standardization projects , to enable scientific research at a large scale, and to make the data available to your doctor, whether in Portugal or in any EU member-state. All Mediceus operate on the basis of interoperability.

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A national network

All hospitals will be linked together

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A european network

All EU countries will be linked together